Five Star Heart can provide the following services in partnership with Lehigh Valley Health Network for your organization or team:

  • Power, Agility, & Speed Programming

  • Consulting Services

  • Individual Sport Specific Instruction

Bobby McClarin found his True North for coaching in 2005 as he was elected to lead the linebacker corps at Navy Prep for the first six months of his military obligation.  McClarin's linebackers from Navy Prep kept their "eyes on the prize" and went on to start as linebackers for the Naval Academy, posting two epic wins against the Fighting Irish  of Notre Dame in 2007 and 2009 during the Paul Johnson era of Navy football.

McClarin has always possessed a passion for strength & conditioning where he acquired the highest scores in the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) while at Navy and throughout his military career. To this day, he is dedicated to pushing himself and others to pursue their purpose with unyielding passion and tireless work ethic. He loves seeing kids strive to be their BEST. McClarin holds the most respected Strength and Conditioning Specialist certification (CSCS) through the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA). 

Please contact Bobby McClarin directly with inquiries at OR (610) 417-8361.

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